Grey Goo

Grey Goo

Version : MCPE 1.11.2 - 1.11.2 Platforms : Android, iOS, Windows
Add-on date : September 4, 2023
Grey Goo Grey Goo Addon
3.7 5 1 574
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(574 vote, Rating: 3.7 out of 5)

Grey Goo Addon

Details :

The Grey Goo addon is perfect for Minecraft players seeking chaos and destruction in their gaming experience. Sometimes, you might crave a challenge, while other times, the desire to witness the world burn takes over. Grey Goo caters to the latter inclination. This mod offers a variety of goos, each with its own level of destructiveness.

For instance, Purple Goo is an annihilating force, obliterating everything in its path but eventually self-destructing. Brown Goo, on the other hand, selectively destroys stone blocks, providing a creative method for mining ores. Blue Goo is focused on eliminating water sources and fades when no water remains in its vicinity.

The real mayhem begins with Grey Goo, an exceptionally destructive entity that relentlessly spreads and multiplies. It starts slowly but rapidly accelerates, posing a significant threat to your Minecraft world. The only salvation comes from Red Goo, which can stop the uncontrolled expansion of Grey Goo. Red Goo acts swiftly, outpacing Grey Goo’s growth. However, it’s important to note that while Red Goo can prevent further damage, it can’t restore already destroyed blocks. Given the destructive nature of this mod, it’s advisable to back up your save or start anew to fully embrace the chaos.

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FAQs :


    Thank you for choosing the Grey Goo addon to enhance your Minecraft experience! Follow these simple steps to download and install the addon:

    1. Download the Addon: Click the "Download" button above to begin the download of the Grey Goo addon. The file will be in .jar or .zip extension.
    2. Locate Your Minecraft Directory: Depending on your operating system:
      • Android: Open your device's file manager and navigate to Internal Storage > games > com.mojang > minecraftWorlds.
      • iOS: On iOS, Minecraft files are not directly accessible. You may need a third-party app like iExplorer to access the game files. Consult relevant app instructions for further guidance.
      • Windows: Press Win + R, type %appdata%, and press Enter. Open the .minecraft folder.
      • Mac: In Finder, go to "Go" > "Go to Folder," type ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft, and press Go.
      • Linux: The directory is usually located at ~/.minecraft.
    3. Install the Addon: Extract the contents of the downloaded .zip file into the .minecraft/behaviorpacks folder.
    4. Activate the Addon: Launch Minecraft and go to the Settings menu. Under "Behavior Packs," activate the Grey Goo addon.
    5. Apply to Your World: Create a new world or edit an existing one. In the world creation or editing menu, apply the activated Grey Goo addon to your world.
    6. Discover New Features: Start the world and explore the exciting features that the Grey Goo addon brings. Experiment with unique blocks and mechanics.

    Remember, downloading the Grey Goo addon from our site ensures its authenticity and safety. If you encounter any issues during installation, feel free to contact our support team for assistance.

    Enjoy your enhanced Minecraft experience with the Grey Goo addon. Happy crafting!


    Yes, the Grey Goo can be used in a multiplayer game.

    For this it is enough just to be the owner of the card and install this modification on it.

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